History of Civilization of Mohenjodaro

A civilization where thousands of years ago people found ways to live life in amazing ways. Mohenjodaro, a city of the Harappan civilization, a city where thousands of years ago such things were present, but what happened is that this civilization suddenly disappeared from the world map.

Mohenjodaro was a major city of the Harappan civilization, which was situated in the province of Sindh in present-day Pakistan, about 5 kilometers on the banks of the Indus River. This city, about 4000 years old, was discovered 100 years ago. Hundreds of Harappan sites have been unearthed since the 19th century. One of them is Mohenjodaro.
Here the explorers worked for many years to find the whole city from below the ground and skeletons were found in many places here, so this city came to be called Mohenjodaro. Very little is known about the Harappan civilization. But everything that know is extremely shocking. In this article today, we are going to tell you some facts related to this civilization which will surprise you.

In 1856, an English engineer who was involved in the construction of railway tracks in this area. He found many old pieces of bricks in the ground here, it looked exactly today's one, but was very strong.

When a man from a nearby village told him that every house in that village is made of these bricks, which are found on digging the land here.
At that time, the British understood that it is not any ordinary bricks. Then Charles Masson first discovered the Harappan civilization in 1942. After this Dayaram Sahni discovered the Harappan civilization in 1921.

The way of living of people in Mohenjodaro is most surprising. Mohenjodaro was more developed than Europe and America thousands of years ago. The city was spread over 500 acres, which was a much larger size according to the city of the time. The remains found here reveal that a large doorway opened the way to the city.

Some big houses have also been found here which used to have up to 30 rooms. The bricks used to build this house were not common bricks but were waterproof bricks. The bricks used in houses and drains here were coated with a thin layer of gypsum and charcoal. Under no circumstances does the charcoal layer allow water to drain out. This shows that the people of Mohenjodaro also knew about the elements like charcoal, which were discovered by scientists after many years.

It is believed that the Harappan civilization gave the well to the world. There is evidence of more than 700 wells in this city.
Many such things have been found in the excavation here, it is understood that people of this civilization also believed in Tantra Mantra.

The city of Mohenjodaro was no ordinary city. There is evidence of big houses, wide roads and many wells in this city. You will surprised to knowing that drains were made to remove water and dirt from this city.

The people here were so much aware of cleanliness, perhaps even today people are not. You will be surprised to know that every house of this civilization thousands of years old used to have bathrooms and toilets, and toilets like this which we call today Western Toilets.

Mohenjodaro has a mystery that has never been solved until today. That is, what is the composition of the script on the things that have been excavated from here, this scientists could not understand till date.

If scientists understand the language of this place, then many hidden secrets can be revealed here.

A very large swimming pool was discovered here, which was 900 square feet in size. It was named The Great Bath.

This swimming pool was constructed with a technique under which water from the Indus River was filled in that. The most famous in the world Roman bath, which is considered to be quite old and historical, was made hundreds of years after the Harappan civilization.

No remains of any temple were found in Mohenjodaro, but here a sculpture of a three-faced deity has been found on a Sheela.

Around which are elephant, rhinoceros, cheetah and buffalo. The first Swastik signs were found in Mohenjodaro itself.
Moreover, idols of innumerable goddesses have also been found here.
This means that the people here believed in idol worship. The surprising thing is that in addition to the idol of the goddesses, it has got only one Shivling, which according to historians is more than 5000 years old.

When inspecting the teeth of some skeletons found in the excavation here, a shocking thing came to light that they used fake teeth like today.

This means that the Harappan civilization also developed a lot of medical practice.

In 1999 it was a surprising discovery. After several hours of hard work by the researchers, some characters and marks of the script were found buried under the soil in the ground here.

After investigation, it was found that it used to be a large board of wood which was placed above the main door of this city, but unfortunately the explorers could not understand their script. Perhaps the biggest secret of Mohenjodaro will be revealed on the day of writing is understood.

Another example of how developed the people of this civilization were is that at that time these people had built a large dam outside the city to protect their city from the flood water and not only that, they could use this flood water In small tanks which were built around the city, they used to deposit it. The entire city used to use this water, but throughout the year, they used this water for the fields as well. In today's time, the village of this place gets filled with water during the rainy season. But 4000 years ago, people living here had solved it.

Today, in some of our cities, there is a problem of water during the summer season and yet we do not collect and use rain water. In Mohenjodaro, explorers have discovered some such structures which have revealed that people here used to collect and use rain water.

People here should specialize in making ornaments of iron, copper, brass and wood, and even more gold artifacts. A large number of coins have been found here which were made with a special mold on clay stone.

Many modern toys of today are also found in excavations here which were made of clay. Moreover, people here also used to play chess game.

Trade in Mohenjodaro was widespread. In those days, no currency was used, but trade was done with the exchange of things. People of the Harappan civilization also traded from other countries through the sea and evidence of this has been found in abu dhabi. In Abu dhabi, the explorers have found a well and in this well some things related to the Harappan civilization have been found, which shows that the people of Harappan civilization traveled up to 3.5 thousand kilometers away by sea route.

This in itself is a big question of how the Harappan civilization came to an end. Scientists have revealed some facts after carbon dating of the things found here and it shows that the big change in the weather was the major reason for the extinction of this civilization. Gradually rivers changed their currents. There was a severe shortage of water, as well as bad monsoon brought many troubles to this civilization and this civilization became extinct. If Mohenjodaro would not have become extinct then  humans had progressed even more today.

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